Accounting Glossary

Government Transfer Payment , Earnings Before Interest Tax Depreciation And Amortization (EBITDA) , Salvage Or Residual Value , Annual Percentage Rate (APR) , Pro-Forma Invoice , Assets , Asset Turnover Ratio , Tax Deduction , Accrued Expenses , Depletion MORE

Agriculture Glossary

National Partnership Office (NPO) , Ocean Ranching , Breastfeeding Promotion , Grades And Standards , Risk-Benefit Analysis , Palmer Drought Index , Office Of Migrant Education (OME) , Conventional Agriculture , Consolidated Farm And Rural Development Act Of 1961 , Prevented Planting Acreage MORE

Construction Glossary

Treated Lumber , Oriented Strand Board Or OSB , Incandescent Lamp , Clip Ties , Sewer Stub , Base Shoe , Face Nail , Microlam , Plot Plan , Oakum MORE

Debt Glossary

Lease , Laundry (Money) , Unsecured Creditor , Personal Loan , Power Of Attorney , Interest , Endowment , Second Mortgage , Loan Ratio , Debt-Equity Swap MORE

Finance Glossary

Intercompany Loan , Bootstrap , Investment Manager , Stock Watcher (NYSE) , Adequacy Of Coverage , Foreign Currency Option , Jury Of Executive Opinion , Equityholders , Portfolio Restructuring , Bullet Strategy MORE

Human Resources (HR) Glossary

Featherbedding , Job Ranking , Recognition , Race-Norming , Pareto Chart , Suggestion System , Rank Order , Cross-Functional Teams , Fringe Benefit , Downgrading MORE

Internet Marketing Glossary

Personal Information Destination (PID) , Protocol , Vertical Banner , Account Daily Spending Limit , Online , Content Match , Google Dance , Avatar , Webmaster , Load MORE

Loan Glossary

Business Credit Card , Mortgage Banker , Short Term Debt , Net Working Capital , Capitalization , Introductory Rate , Deed Of Trust , Recourse , Limited Recourse , Broker Compensation Or Fee MORE

Machine Shop Glossary

Microstructure , Peen , Emery , Drill Rod , Radius , Work Hardening , Straddle Milling , Oxygen , Chuck (Independent Jaw) , Bandsaw MORE

Real Estate Glossary

Accretion , Sales Contract , Lenders Escrow Instructions , Arrears , Deed Restrictions , Reconstructed Cash Flow Analysis , Comprehensive Zoning , Variate , Aids , Plaintiff MORE

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Glossary

Dead Link , Error 500 , Portal , Google Sitemaps , Mirror Site , Server Side Include (SSI) , Alt Attribute , Co-citation , Directory , Browser MORE

Taxes Glossary

Wire Room , Overweighted , Investment Income , Pension Maximization , Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) , Breakout , Internalization , World Bank , Offshore Fund , Dutch Auction MORE