Business / Agriculture / Acreage Conservation Reserve: The cropland acreage diverted from production under the acreage reduction program.
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Conservation Adverb Synonyms: preservation, protection, safe keeping, maintenance, upkeep, management, safeguarding, husbandry, economy
Reserve Noun Synonyms: keep or hold (back), withhold, save, set or put aside, conserve, preserve, retain, keep (to or for oneself), hold over, postpone, delay, put off, defer
Reserve Verb Synonyms: reticence, (self-)restraint, (self-)control, taciturnity, aplomb, formality, coolness, aloofness, guardedness, standoffishness, remoteness, detachment
Entertainment / Liquor / Neisson Rhums Reserve Special: Neisson Reserve Special is blended from their finest rhums, distilled and bottled to perfection MORE
Business / Agriculture / Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS): A USDA agency responsible for developing and carrying out national soil and water programs in cooperation with landowners, operators, and others. It was created in 1994 reorganization legislation by m MORE
Business / Agriculture / National Natural Resources Conservation Foundation (NNRCF): A nonprofit private organization established by the FAIR Act of 1996 to promote and fund innovative solutions to conservation problems through effective partnerships. The Foundation can accept gifts a MORE
Business / Agriculture / National Farm Program Acreage: The number of harvested acres of feed grains, wheat, and cotton needed nationally to meet domestic and export use and to accomplish any desired increase or decrease in carryover levels. The acreage ba MORE
Science / Marine Biology / No-Take Reserves: Geographic areas where by law no one is allowed to fish or collect biological specimens. Rules could apply to one or all species. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Normal Crop Acreage: The acreage on a farm normally devoted to a group of designated crops. When a set-aside program is in effect, a participating farm’s total planted acreage of such designated crops plus set-aside acr MORE