Business / Agriculture / Area Yield Options Contract: A contract entitling the holder to receive a payment when the area yield is below (above) the put (call) option strike yield. The strike yield is the yield at which the holder of an option contract can exercise the option.
Search Google for Area Yield Options Contract:
Area Noun Synonyms: space, room
Contract Noun Synonyms: engage, agree, promise, covenant, undertake
Contract Verb Synonyms: catch, acquire, get, come down with, develop, become infected with, go down with
Contract Adjective Synonyms: agreement, understanding, deal, bargain, arrangement, pact, commitment, obligation, compact
Yield Conjunction Synonyms: return, production, output, revenue, takings, gate, earnings, income, proceeds, profit, gain
Yield Adverb Synonyms: surrender, give up (the fight or struggle), give in, knuckle under, submit, cede, cry quits, throw in the towel or the sponge, capitulate, succumb, raise the white flag
Health / Fitness / Peak Contraction: Exercising a muscle until it cramps by using shortened movements. MORE
Life Style / Travel / Passage Contract: Detailed terms of responsibility and accountability found in the cruise ticket. MORE
Science / Chemistry / Percent Yield: Percent yield equals experimental yield divided by theoretical yield times 100%. MORE
Business / Finance / Periodic Purchase Deferred Contract: A fixed or variable annuity contract for which fixed-amount premiums are paid either monthly or quarterly, and that does not begin paying out until a time elected by the annuitant. MORE
Business / Finance / Positive Yield Curve: When long-term debt interest rates are higher than short-term debt rates (because of the increased risk involved with long-term debt security). MORE