Business / Agriculture / Burley Tobacco: The main type of air-cured tobacco: a cigarette tobacco that together with flue-cured tobacco account for more than 90% of total U.S. production. Burley tobacco production is limited by national marketing quotas and eligible for nonrecourse price support loans. Its production centers in Kentucky.
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Business / Agriculture / Tobacco Price Support Program: The tobacco price support program uses a combination of marketing quotas and nonrecourse loans to keep prices stable and higher than they would be otherwise. The marketing quotas limit production in o MORE
Business / Agriculture / No Net Cost Tobacco Act Of 1982: P.L. 97-218 (July 20, 1982) required that the tobacco price support program operate at no net cost to taxpayers, other than for the administrative expenses common to all price support programs. To sat MORE
Business / Agriculture / Flue-Cured Tobacco: A type of cigarette tobacco, it and burley tobacco account for more than 90% of U.S. tobacco production. Flue-cured tobacco production is limited by national marketing quotas and acreage allotments, a MORE
Business / Agriculture / Dairy And Tobacco Adjustment Act Of 1983: P.L. 98-180 (November 29, 1983) was designated the Dairy and Tobacco Adjustment Act of 1983. Title I authorized a voluntary dairy diversion program, which was operated between January 1984 and March 1 MORE
Business / Agriculture / Burley Tobacco: The main type of air-cured tobacco: a cigarette tobacco that together with flue-cured tobacco account for more than 90% of total U.S. production. Burley tobacco production is limited by national marke MORE