Cash In Lieu Of Commodities

Business / Agriculture / Cash In Lieu Of Commodities: Refers to cash provided to food program operators (e.g., elderly nutrition programs, child care food programs, and some school food programs) in lieu of mandated commodity assistance. Recipients may use the cash to buy whatever foods they need to operate their meal service programs.
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Other Words for Cash

Cash Noun Synonyms: money, currency, bills, notes, banknotes, change, hard cash or money, specie, coin of the realm, legal tender, moolah, dough, bread, loot, spondulicks or spondulix, lolly, ready, readies, scratch, gelt

Out Of Print

Business / Finance / Out Of Print: Not open on the print. See: Clean. MORE

Out Of The Name

Business / Finance / Out Of The Name: Used in the context of general equities. To no longer have an active trading profile/position in the stock. MORE

Out Of Line

Business / Finance / Out Of Line: A stock price that is too high or too low in comparison with similar-quality stocks in the same industry, according to its price/earnings ratio. MORE

Out Of Bounds

Science / Astrology / Out Of Bounds: Planets which are outside the usual north or south measurement of the celestial equator within which planets rest. MORE

Out In Order

Entertainment / Baseball / Out In Order: Retiring the first 3 batters in an inning. MORE

Out Of Africa Hypothesis

Science / Biology / Out Of Africa Hypothesis: Holds that modern human populations (Homo sapiens) are all derived from a single speciation event that took place in a restricted region in Africa. MORE