Business / Agriculture / Commodity Certificates: Payments issued by the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) in lieu of cash payments to participants in farm subsidy or agricultural export programs. Holders of certificates are permitted to exchange them for commodities owned by the CCC. Certificates were used not only to compensate program beneficiaries but also to reduce the large, costly, and price-depressing commodity surpluses held by the CCC during the mid-1980s.
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Business / Agriculture / Food Security Commodity Reserve: A special reserve of up to 4 million metric tons of wheat, corn, sorghum, and rice to be used for international humanitarian purposes. This reserve created by the FAIR Act of 1996 is an expansion and MORE
Business / Agriculture / Generic Certificates: Commodity certificates used by the CCC in the 1980s to meet payment obligations and simultaneously dispose of commodity inventories. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Grading Certificates: A formal document setting forth the quality of a commodity as determined by authorized inspectors or graders. MORE