Business / Agriculture / Conservation Easement: Acquisition of rights and interest to a property to protect identified conservation or resource values, using a reserved interest deed. Since the mid 1970s, conservation easements have been purchased to protect nearly 420,000 acres of farmland in fifteen states, primarily in the Northeast.
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Conservation Adverb Synonyms: preservation, protection, safe keeping, maintenance, upkeep, management, safeguarding, husbandry, economy
Business / Agriculture / Habitat Conservation Plans (Hcps): Plans prepared under the Endangered Species Act, by nonfederal parties wishing to obtain permits for incidental taking of threatened and endangered species. The number of hcps has expanded enough in t MORE
Business / Real Estate / Implied Easement: When the owner of two or more adjacent properties sells a part thereof, he or she grants by implication all those apparent and visible easements which are necessary for the reasonable use of the prope MORE
Science / Chemistry / Law Of Conservation Of Mass: There is no change in total mass during a chemical change. The demonstration of conservation of mass by Antoine Lavoisier in the late 18th century was a milestone in the development of modern chemistr MORE
Business / Agriculture / National Natural Resources Conservation Foundation (NNRCF): A nonprofit private organization established by the FAIR Act of 1996 to promote and fund innovative solutions to conservation problems through effective partnerships. The Foundation can accept gifts a MORE
Business / Agriculture / Great Plains Conservation Program (GPCP): This program, initiated in 1957, provided cost share and technical assistance to apply conservation on entire farms in 10 Great Plains states from the Dakotas and Montana to Texas and New Mexico. Cont MORE
Business / Agriculture / Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative (GLCI): A program started by USDA under its discretionary authority in 1991 and then specifically authorized by the FAIR Act of 1996 to provide increased technical and educational assistance to conserve and e MORE