Business / Agriculture / Contract Acreage: Enrolled 1996 commodity base acreage under the FAIR Act of 1996 for wheat, feed grains, upland cotton, and rice (generally fixed for 1996 through 2002). A farmer may voluntarily choose to reduce contract acreage in subsequent years. Land leaving the CRP may be entered into a production flexibility contract if the land was previously commodity base acreage.
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Contract Verb Synonyms: catch, acquire, get, come down with, develop, become infected with, go down with
Contract Noun Synonyms: engage, agree, promise, covenant, undertake
Contract Adjective Synonyms: agreement, understanding, deal, bargain, arrangement, pact, commitment, obligation, compact
Business / Finance / Next Futures Contract: The contract settling immediately after the nearby futures contract. MORE
Business / Finance / Nexus (Of Contracts): A set or collection of something. MORE
Business / Finance / Nearby Futures Contract: When several futures contracts are considered, the contract with the closest settlement date is called the nearby futures contract. The next (or the 'next out') futures contract is the one that settle MORE