Business / Agriculture / Cost-Benefit Analysis: A quantitative and sometimes qualitative evaluation of the costs which would be incurred by some action (such as building a dam, or implementing an environmental regulation) versus the overall benefits to society of the proposed action. See risk-benefit analysis.
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Analysis Noun Synonyms: examination, investigation, study, scrutiny, enquiry or inquiry, dissection, assay, breakdown, division
Business / Finance / Performance Attribution Analysis: The decomposition of a money manager's performance results to explain the reasons why those results were achieved. This analysis seeks to answer questions such as: (1) What were the major sources of a MORE
Science / Biology / Pedigree Analysis: A type of genetic analysis in which a trait is traced through several generations of a family to determine how the trait is inherited. The information is displayed in a pedigree chart using standard s MORE
Science / Genetics / Northern Analysis: A technique for transferring electrophoretically resolved rna segments from an agarose gel to a nitrocellulose filter paper sheet via capillary action. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Post Buy Analysis: An analysis of schedule performance after it runs: offers a means of measuring a media buy as run versus goal or original estimate of achievement. MORE
Business / Finance / Pro Forma Capital Structure Analysis: A method of analyzing the impact of alternative possible capital structure choices on a firm's credit statistics and reported financial results, especially to determine whether the firm will be able t MORE
Science / Chemistry / Qualitative Analysis: A chemical analysis that detects the presence of a substance in a sample. MORE