Business / Agriculture / Cultural Methods: Practices used to enhance crop and livestock health and prevent weed, pest or disease problems without the use of chemical substances: examples include the selection of appropriate varieties and planting sites: selection of appropriate breeds of livestock: providing livestock facilities designed to meet requirements of species or type of livestock: proper timing and density of plantings: irrigation: and extending a growing season by manipulating the microclimate with green houses, cold frames, or wind breaks.
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Business / Agriculture / Farmer Mac (Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation): Created by the Agricultural Credit Act of 1987 as a federally chartered, private corporation responsible for guaranteeing the timely repayment of principal and interest to investors in a new agricultu MORE
Business / Agriculture / Edward R. Madigan U.S. Agricultural Export Excellence Award: An award established by the FAIR Act of 1996 to recognize companies’ and other entities’ entrepreneurial efforts in the food and agricultural sector for advancing U.S. agricultural exports. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation: An organization more commonly referred to as Farmer Mac, which is a secondary (resale) market for agricultural mortgages. Farmer Mac was authorized by the Agricultural Credit Act of 1987. MORE