Business / Agriculture / Diversion Payments: Payments once but no longer made to farmers who voluntarily reduced their planted acreage of a program crop and devoted the land to a conservation use when a paid acreage diversion was in effect. Also, payments made to dairy producers in the late 1980s under the no longer operating dairy termination program who agreed to reduce their milk marketings below a prescribed level.
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Diversion Noun Synonyms: detour, sidetrack, deviation, bypass, deviation
Diversion Verb Synonyms: digression, deviation, departure, distraction
Business / Agriculture / Paid Diversion: A program, repealed by the FAIR Act of 1996, under which farmers were paid to voluntarily take acreage out of production. The diverted land was devoted to approved conservation practices. Unlike acrea MORE
Business / Agriculture / Payments In Lieu Of Taxes (PILT): A program administered by the Bureau of Land Management of the Department of the Interior to compensate counties for the tax-exempt status of federal lands: the fixed payments per entitlement acre (on MORE
Business / Agriculture / Market Transition Payments: Referred to variously as AMTA payments, contract payments, or production flexibility contract payments made to farmers under Title I (the Agriculture Market Transition Act (AMTA)) of the FAIR Act of 1 MORE