Business / Agriculture / Drainage: Improving the productivity of agricultural land by removing excess water from the soil by such means as ditches, drainage wells, or subsurface drainage tiles. See swampbuster and wetlands.
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Science / Geology / Drainage Divide: The boundary between two adjacent drainage basins. Drainage divides are ridge crests (or less obvious locations where slope of the landscape changes direction). Runoff produced on one side of the ridg MORE
Health / Massage / Lymph Drainage Therapy: Lymph Drainage Therapy (LDT) is unique in that healthcare professionals learn how to palpate the lymphatic flow. As they develop their skills, they can then identify the rhythm, direction, and quality MORE
Health / Massage / Manual Lymph Drainage: The strokes applied in manual lymph drainage are intended to stimulate the movement of the lymphatic fluids in order to assist the body in cleansing. This is a gentle, rhythmical technique that cleans MORE
Science / Geology / Radial Drainage: A system of streams running in a radial pattern away from the center of a circular elevation, such as a volcano or dome. MORE
Science / Geology / Rectangular Drainage: A drainage pattern in which stream channels develop within a large-scale network of intersecting joints. This drainage pattern is characterized by right-angle bends in the channels of streams and stre MORE
Science / Geology / Trellis Drainage: A drainage pattern in which streams intersect at right angles. This forms in areas of long parallel valleys such as in folded mountain belts. Rivers occupy the valleys and tributary streams join them MORE