Emergency Livestock Feed Programs

Business / Agriculture / Emergency Livestock Feed Programs: The USDA was given permanent authority by the Disaster Assistance Act of 1988 to implement an array of emergency livestock feed programs. These programs were designed to assist livestock producers who lose a significant amount of feed grown on the farm due to a natural disaster. The primary livestock feed programs implemented by USDA were: (1) the Emergency Feed Assistance Program (EFAP), which provided farmers who experienced a large loss of feed production with government-owned grain at a subsidized price, and, (2) the Emergency Feed Program (EFP), a cost-share program for farmers affected by a disaster who purchased their needed feed in the marketplace. To meet mandated budget savings requirements, the FAIR Act of 1996 suspended these programs from the law through 2002.
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Other Words for Emergency

Emergency Noun Synonyms: crisis, exigency, danger, predicament, difficulty, pinch

Other Words for Feed

Feed Adjective Synonyms: provision, cater or provide (for), victual, purvey, provender, supply, maintain, nurture, nourish, board, support, sustain, wine and dine
Feed Verb Synonyms: fodder, forage, pasturage, silage, food, provender

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