
Business / Agriculture / Environment: The totality of the surrounding external conditions—biological, chemical, and physical—within which an organism, community, or object exists. The term is not exclusive in that organisms can be and usually are part of another organism’s environment. Thus one can speak of the environment as that within which humankind lives, i.e., separate and external: or, one can speak of humankind as a component of the environment.
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Other Words for Environment

Environment Adjective Synonyms: surroundings, environs, atmosphere, ecosystem, conditions, habitat, circumstances, medium, milieu, territory, locale, setting, mise en sc�ne, situation

Environmental Impact Statement

Business / Real Estate / Environmental Impact Statement: Required by the National Environmental Policy Act and applies to federal government actions or legislation, it includes relevant data about an action and an analysis of its effect on the environment. MORE

Environmental Assessment

Business / Agriculture / Environmental Assessment: Under implementing regulations of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1970, a document used by agencies to determine whether the environmental effects are sufficient to require an EIS. MORE

National Environmental Policy Act Of 1970

Business / Agriculture / National Environmental Policy Act Of 1970: P.L. 91-190 (January 1, 1970) made a declaration of national environmental policy and established a continuing responsibility of the federal government to reach a number of substantive goals that embo MORE