Environmental Assessment

Business / Agriculture / Environmental Assessment: Under implementing regulations of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1970, a document used by agencies to determine whether the environmental effects are sufficient to require an EIS.
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Initial Assessment or Investigation

Life Style / Adoption / Initial Assessment or Investigation: The stage of the CPS case process where the CPS caseworker determines the validity of the child maltreatment report, assesses the risk of maltreatment, determines if the child is safe, develops a safe MORE

Land Evaluation And Site Assessment System (LESA)

Business / Agriculture / Land Evaluation And Site Assessment System (LESA): A technique that can be used at the local level to determine the quality of land or agricultural uses and to assess sites or areas of land for their agricultural viability. It was first used in the ea MORE

Marketing Assessments

Business / Agriculture / Marketing Assessments: Producers and first purchasers of some supported commodities are required to pay an assessment as a contribution toward achieving budget deficit reduction targets. Under the FAIR Act of 1996, assessme MORE

National Centers For Environmental Prediction (NCEP)

Science / Weather / National Centers For Environmental Prediction (NCEP): As part of the National Weather Service, the centers provide timely, accurate, and continually improving worldwide forecast guidance products. Some of the centers include the Aviation Weather Center, MORE

Family Assessment

Life Style / Adoption / Family Assessment : The stage of the child protection process when the CPS caseworker, community treatment provider and the family reach a mutual understanding regarding the behaviors and conditions that must change to r MORE

Exposure Assessment

Business / Agriculture / Exposure Assessment: Identifying the pathways by which toxicants may reach individuals, estimating how much of a chemical various individuals are likely to be exposed to, and estimating the number likely to be exposed at MORE