
Business / Agriculture / Estuary: Regions of interaction between rivers and near-shore ocean waters, where tidal action and river flow mix fresh and salt water. Such areas include bays, mouths of rivers, salt marshes, and lagoons. These brackish water ecosystems shelter and feed marine life, birds, and wildlife. Estuaries typically include adjoining wetlands.
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Seasonal Estuary

Science / Marine Biology / Seasonal Estuary: An estuary in which salinity at any one geographic point changes seasonally (e.g., decreases during the spring melt) MORE

Vertically Homogeneous Estuary

Science / Marine Biology / Vertically Homogeneous Estuary: An estuary in which, at any given location, wind or tidal mixing homogenizes salinity throughout the water column MORE

National Estuary Program

Business / Agriculture / National Estuary Program: A program established under the Clean Water Act Amendments of 1987 to develop and implement conservation and management plans for protecting estuaries and restoring and maintaining their chemical, phy MORE