Business / Agriculture / Excess Land: Irrigable land, other than exempt land, owned by any landowner in excess of the maximum acreage limitation (ownership entitlement) under the applicable provision of reclamation law.
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Excess Noun Synonyms: surplus, over-abundance, overflow, superabundance, nimiety, superfluity, surfeit, plethora, glut, redundancy, over-sufficiency, supererogation, leftovers, overkill
Land Noun Synonyms: earth, (solid) ground, terra firma
Land Verb Synonyms: dirt, earth, soil, turf, sod, loam, mould
Business / Agriculture / National Wetland Inventory: An ongoing national survey of wetlands conducted by the Fish and Wildlife Service, primarily for scientific purposes. The data and maps it produces were used to track gains and losses of wetlands for MORE
Life Style / Coffee / New England Roast: Coffee brought to a degree of roast of coffee lighter than the traditional American norm, and grainlike in taste, with a sharp, almost sour acidity. This roast style is not a factor in specialty coffe MORE
Entertainment / Literature / New England Short O: In linguistics, this term refers to 'the lax vowel used by some New Englanders in road and home corresponding to tense [o] in standard English' (Algeo 324). MORE
Business / Agriculture / National Grasslands: A type of unit designated by USDA and under Title II of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, permanently held by USDA as part of the National Forest System. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Maryland-I: An I formation with three running backs aligned behind the quarterback in a straight line. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Major Land Resource Area (MLRA): Major land resource areas are geographically associated land resource units delineated by the Natural Resources Conservation Service and characterized by a particular pattern that combines soils, wate MORE