
Business / Agriculture / Farmland: Land used for agricultural purposes. The federal government recognizes prime farmland and unique farmland as the most important categories. According to USDA, the United States has had roughly 1 billion acres of farmland. Farmland consists of cropland, pastureland, and grazing land.
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Unique Farmland

Business / Agriculture / Unique Farmland: Land, other than prime farmland, that has combined conditions to produce sustained high quality and high yields of specialty crops, such as citrus, nuts, fruits, and vegetables when properly managed. MORE

Farmland Protection

Business / Agriculture / Farmland Protection: Programs, operated mostly at state and local levels by government agencies or private entities such as land trusts, that are designed to limit conversion of agricultural land to other uses that otherw MORE

Prime Farmland

Business / Agriculture / Prime Farmland: Land that is best suited to and available for the production of food, feed, forage, fiber, and oilseed crops. It can be cropland, pastureland, rangeland, forestland, or other land. It has the soil qua MORE

Farmland Protection Program (FPP)

Business / Agriculture / Farmland Protection Program (FPP): A program established by the FAIR Act of 1996 to fund the purchase of conservation easements of 170,000-340,000 acres of land having prime or unique soil or other desirable production qualities that a MORE

Conserving Use Acreage

Business / Agriculture / Conserving Use Acreage: Farmland diverted from crop production to an approved cultural practice that prevents erosion or other degradation. Though crops are not produced, conserving use is considered an agricultural use of t MORE