Business / Agriculture / Fat Free Lean Index: One of several measures of hog quality (in this case, leanness) that can be used in determining value. The index was developed by the National Pork Producers Council, an industry trade group.
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Fat Noun Synonyms: obese, stout, overweight, heavy, plump, rotund, corpulent, portly, well-fed, chubby, podgy or pudgy, roly-poly, tubby, bulky, fleshy, paunchy, pot-bellied, overfed, flabby, elephantine, broad in the beam, beamy, beefy
Fat Adjective Synonyms: oily, oleaginous, unctuous, greasy, fatty, pinguid, sebaceous, adipose
Free Adjective Synonyms: liberated, at large, let go, let off, emancipated, delivered, manumitted, set free, unshackled, unfettered, released, freed, loose, out, sprung, on the loose
Free Noun Synonyms: at liberty, unfettered, unchained, unshackled, unconfined, untrammelled, unencumbered, unrestrained, unrestricted, unconstrained, uncontrolled, free-born, independent, self-governing, self-governed, self-ruling, autonomous, democratic, sovereign
Free Verb Synonyms: relieve, rid, unburden, disburden, disencumber, unbosom, rescue, redeem
Free Adverb Synonyms: set free, set at liberty, enfranchise, release, let go, liberate, let out, let loose, unloose, unchain, unfetter, uncage, emancipate, disenthrall, manumit, pardon, parole, furlough
Index Noun Synonyms: guide, directory, list, listing, table of contents, catalogue, key, thesaurus
Index Adjective Synonyms: mark, sign, clue, token, hint, pointer, indicator, indication, guide
Lean Adjective Synonyms: impoverished, destitute, needy, poverty-stricken, penurious, indigent, necessitous, hard, bad, difficult
Lean Verb Synonyms: thin, slim, slender, rangy, spare, wiry, lanky, lank, skinny, angular, bony, raw-boned, gaunt, gangling, gangly, spare, meager, skeletal, scraggy, scrawny, haggard, emaciated, pinched, wasted, shrunken, macilent
Lean Noun Synonyms: incline, slant, tilt, bend, tip
Business / Finance / Jensen Index: An index that uses the capital asset pricing model to determine whether a money manager outperformed a market index. The alpha of an investment or investment manager. MORE
Business / Finance / International Market Index: An index listed on the American Stock Exchange tracking the performance of 50 American Depository Receipts traded on the AMEX, NYSE, and NASDAQ. MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Infrared Compensation Index: Used to compensate the focus for black and white infrared film. Color ir film generally does not require compensation. MORE
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Life Style / Adoption / Legally Free: A child whose birth parents' rights have been legally terminated so that the child is 'free' to be adopted by another family. MORE