Free Rider

Business / Agriculture / Free Rider: In agricultural policy, the term generally refers to a firm or person who benefits from a collectively funded activity (such as a generic advertising and promotion, or check-off, program) without contributing to its costs.
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Other Words for Free

Free Verb Synonyms: relieve, rid, unburden, disburden, disencumber, unbosom, rescue, redeem
Free Adverb Synonyms: set free, set at liberty, enfranchise, release, let go, liberate, let out, let loose, unloose, unchain, unfetter, uncage, emancipate, disenthrall, manumit, pardon, parole, furlough
Free Adjective Synonyms: liberated, at large, let go, let off, emancipated, delivered, manumitted, set free, unshackled, unfettered, released, freed, loose, out, sprung, on the loose
Free Noun Synonyms: at liberty, unfettered, unchained, unshackled, unconfined, untrammelled, unencumbered, unrestrained, unrestricted, unconstrained, uncontrolled, free-born, independent, self-governing, self-governed, self-ruling, autonomous, democratic, sovereign

Freehold Estate

Business / Real Estate / Freehold Estate: An estate in land in which ownership is for an indeterminate length of time, in contrast to a leasehold estate. MORE

Freestanding Implant

Health / Dentistry / Freestanding Implant: An implant which can withstand functional forces without splinting to any additional abutments. MORE


Business / Agriculture / Freedom-To-Farm: A phrase that was used in the congressional arena to characterize the production flexibility contract provisions of the FAIR Act of 1996. MORE

Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) Of 1966

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) Of 1966: A federal law providing guidelines for access and disclosure of government documents and materials to the general public. MORE

Freed Up

Business / Finance / Freed Up: Used in the context of general equities. Not subject to any internal (restricted list) or external restrictions on trading; hence, the trader is free to solicit interest. MORE


Health / Fitness / Freestyle: The traditional type of swimming movement that uses the front crawl. MORE