Business / Agriculture / Gas Chromatograph - Mass Spectrometer: An analytical technique for identifying the molecular composition and concentrations of various chemicals in water and soil samples.
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Mass Verb Synonyms: abundance, quantity, profusion, volume, multitude, horde, host, mob, crowd, throng, drove(s), herd(s), swarm(s), legion(s), score(s), number(s), bunch(es), ton(s), mountain, piles, bags, barrels, oodles, lots, oceans, loads, scads, mess, slew(s)
Mass Noun Synonyms: pile, heap, mountain, load, stack, mound, bunch, bundle, lot, batch, quantity, hoard, store, collection, accumulation, aggregation, agglomeration, congeries, assortment, miscellany, assemblage, conglomeration
Health / Dentistry / Point-Of-Service (POS) Plan: A health plan allowing the member to choose to receive a service from a participating or non-participating provider, with different benefits levels associated with the use of participating providers. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Point-Of-Service (POS) Product: A healthcare option that allows members to choose at the time medical services are needed whether they will go to a provider within the plan's network or seek medical care outside the network. MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Point-Of-View Shot: A shot in which the camera is physically situated very close to a character's position: thus the resulting shot approximates the character's point-of-view. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Point-After-Touchdown (PAT): A place kick taken from the opponent’s 2-yard line (3-yard line in college); awarded to a team that has scored a touchdown, it is worth 1 point if it goes through the goalpost. MORE
Technology / Computers / Plug-In: This is a program that your browser uses to manipulate a downloaded file. It differs from a Helper Application in that the plug-in works inside the browser window. MORE
Entertainment / Football / Play-Action Pass: A passing play after the quarterback has faked a hand-off. MORE