Green Box Policies

Business / Agriculture / Green Box Policies: Domestic or trade policies that are deemed to be minimally trade-distorting and that are excluded from reduction commitments in the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture. Examples are domestic policies dealing with research, extension, inspection and grading, environmental and conservation programs, disaster relief, crop insurance, domestic food assistance, food security stocks, structural adjustment programs, and direct payments not linked to production. Trade measures or policies such as export market promotion (but not export subsidies or foreign food aid) are also exempt. See blue box policies.
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Other Words for Box

Box Noun Synonyms: case, receptacle, crate, carton, container, casket, coffer, caddy, chest
Box Verb Synonyms: crate, encase, package

Other Words for Green

Green Adjective Synonyms: verdant, grassy, fresh, leafy, rural, country-like

Letterbox Mode

Technology / Television (TV) / Letterbox Mode: A method of presenting widescreen images on a standard screen television. In order to preserve the aspect ratio of the original video content, the picture is scaled down so that it fits the available MORE


Entertainment / Photography / Lightbox: Box of fluorescent tubes balanced for white light and covered with translucent glass or plastic. Used for viewing, registering or correcting film negatives and positives. MORE


Technology / Television (TV) / Letterbox: A process by which a widescreen film is presented on video. The top and bottom of the video frame is blackened, and the widescreen film frame is reduced to fit into this frame-within-the-video-frame. MORE