Business / Agriculture / High Moisture Feed Grains: Corn and grain sorghum must have moisture content below CCC standards in order to qualify for marketing assistance loans. However, the FAIR Act of 1996 makes recourse loans available to producers of corn and grain sorghum that have higher moisture content.
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Feed Adjective Synonyms: provision, cater or provide (for), victual, purvey, provender, supply, maintain, nurture, nourish, board, support, sustain, wine and dine
Feed Verb Synonyms: fodder, forage, pasturage, silage, food, provender
High Noun Synonyms: anticyclone
High Adjective Synonyms: tall, lofty, elevated, towering
High Adverb Synonyms: intoxication, altered consciousness
Health / Disease / Highly Active Anti-Retroviral Therapy (HAART): A treatment to combat AIDS using several different antiretroviral drugs at the same time. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Highly Compensated Employee: For the purposes of retirement plans, a highly compensated employee is defined by the IRS as an employee who owns 5% or more of a company or receives compensationin excess of a predetermined amount. T MORE
Business / Taxes / Highly Compensated Employees: Highly compensated employees are people whose on-the-job earnings are higher than the level the government has established to differentiate this category of worker. In 2007, that amount is $100,000. I MORE
Business / Finance / Highly Confident Letter: Japanese term for a takeover. MORE
Business / Construction / Highlights: A light spot, area, or streak on a painted surface. MORE