Land Use Plan

Business / Agriculture / Land Use Plan: A coordinated collection of data, programs, and activities related to existing and potential uses of land and resources within a defined area. Commonly associated with local units of government trying to anticipate and organize uses of space so as to meet defined goals. For producers, conservation plans are a type of land use plan.
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Other Words for Land

Land Noun Synonyms: earth, (solid) ground, terra firma
Land Verb Synonyms: dirt, earth, soil, turf, sod, loam, mould

Other Words for Plan

Plan Noun Synonyms: design, layout, blueprint, scheme, method, procedure, system, arrangement, programme, project, formula, pattern, script, scenario

Other Words for Use

Use Verb Synonyms: consume, eat, drink, smoke, take, partake of, ingest, inject, shoot (up)
Use Noun Synonyms: consume, buy, purchase, employ, utilize
Use Adjective Synonyms: employ, make use of, put into practice or operation, practise, utilize, exercise, bring into play, have recourse to, resort to, put or press into service, put to use, avail (oneself) of, say, utter, speak


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Plancks Constant

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