Loan Rate

Business / Agriculture / Loan Rate: The price per unit (bushel, bale, pound, or hundredweight, depending on the commodity) at which the government will provide nonrecourse or recourse loans to farmers (or associations acting on their behalf). This short term financing at below market interest rates enables farmers to hold their commodities for later sale.
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Other Words for Loan

Loan Verb Synonyms: advance, allowance, credit, accommodation

Other Words for Rate

Rate Noun Synonyms: rank, grade, class, classify, evaluate, estimate, calculate, compute, count, reckon, judge, gauge, assess, appraise, measure
Rate Verb Synonyms: measure, pace, gait, speed, velocity, clip

Photosynthetic Rate

Science / Marine Biology / Photosynthetic Rate: The rate of conversion of dissolved carbon dioxide and bicarbonate ion to photosynthetic product MORE

Phyto-Chemical Concentrates

Health / Vitamins / Phyto-Chemical Concentrates: Chemical constituents of plants part of its defense system, others than proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals used in human nutrition, enhance overall health, act as detoxifying agents, MORE

Piece Rate

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Piece Rate: A per-piece rate system that pays employees based on the number of pieces produced. MORE