Business / Agriculture / Marketing Assessments: Producers and first purchasers of some supported commodities are required to pay an assessment as a contribution toward achieving budget deficit reduction targets. Under the FAIR Act of 1996, assessments are imposed on sugar processors and on producers and first buyers of peanuts. Tobacco also is subject to deficit reduction assessments. The FAIR Act of 1996 eliminated the milk marketing assessment.
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Business / Agriculture / Milk Marketing Orders: Administered by the Agricultural Marketing Service, federal milk marketing orders were first instituted in the 1930s to promote orderly marketing conditions by, among other things, applying a uniform MORE
Business / Agriculture / Orderly Marketing: Coordination of the total supply of a commodity in order to achieve sellers’ joint market objectives. This is an activity carried out by some marketing order programs. MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Permission Marketing: Marketing centered around getting customer's consent to receive information from a company. MORE