Marketing Year

Business / Agriculture / Marketing Year: The 12-month period, generally from the beginning of a new harvest, over which a crop is marketed. For example, for wool, mohair, and Hawaiian sugarcane, the marketing year is January 1-December 31: for honey, it is April 1-March 31: for wheat, barley, and oats, it is June 1-May 31: for flue-cured tobacco, it is July 1-June 30: for cotton, peanuts, and rice, it is August 1-July 31: for sugar beets, it is September 1-August 31: for corn, sorghum, soybeans, mainland sugarcane, all tobacco but flue-cured, and milk, it is October 1-September 30. The crop marketing year beginning and ending dates are published by NASS in the Agricultural Prices annual summary. In contrast, the crop year is the calendar year of production.
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Rolling Year

Business / Human Resources (HR) / Rolling Year: Under FMLA regulations, a rolling year is defined as a 12-month period measured backward from the date an employee first uses leave. MORE

Permission Marketing

Business / Internet Marketing / Permission Marketing: Marketing centered around getting customer's consent to receive information from a company. MORE

Orderly Marketing

Business / Agriculture / Orderly Marketing: Coordination of the total supply of a commodity in order to achieve sellers’ joint market objectives. This is an activity carried out by some marketing order programs. MORE