National Drought Policy Commission

Business / Agriculture / National Drought Policy Commission: P.L. 105-199 (July 16, 1998), the National Drought Policy Act, authorized creation of the Commission to conduct a study of current federal, state, local and tribal drought preparedness, and review laws and programs to determine if deficiencies exist in current relief policies and resources. The Commission’s report to the President and Congress is due no later than January 16, 2000.
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Other Words for National

National Adjective Synonyms: nationwide, country-wide, state, governmental, civil, public, popular, federal
National Noun Synonyms: nationalistic, nationalist, patriotic, jingoistic, chauvinistic

Other Words for Policy

Policy Verb Synonyms: approach, procedure, (game) plan, design, scheme, programme, method, system, management, conduct, behavior, strategy, tactic(s), principle(s), protocol, regulation, rule, custom, way, practice, ways and means, action

National Market System (NMS)

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National Market Advisory Board

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National Meteorological Center (NMC)

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