Business / Agriculture / Normal Flex Acreage: A provision of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 requiring a mandatory 15% reduction in payment acreage. Under this provision, producers were ineligible to receive deficiency payments on 15% of their crop acreage base (not including any acreage removed from production under any production adjustment program). Producers, however, were allowed to plant any crop on this acreage, except fruits, vegetables, and other prohibited crops. Normal flex acreage no longer exists under the FAIR Act of 1996.
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Flex Verb Synonyms: bend, give, stretch, curve
Flex Noun Synonyms: wire, lead, cord, cable, extension
Normal Noun Synonyms: standard, regular, average, conventional,ual, run-of-the-mill, ordinary, routine, universal, general, common, customary, natural, typical, conformist, orthodox, healthy
Science / Chemistry / Normality: A measure of solution concentration, defined as the number of equivalents of solute per liter of solution. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Normal Yield: The average historic yield established for a particular farm or area. Can also describe average yields. Normal production would be the normal crop acreage planted multiplied by the normal yield. These MORE
Science / Tides and Currents / Normal Tide: A nontechnical term synonymous with tide; i.e., the rise and fall of the ocean due to the gravitational interactions of the Sun, Moon, and Earth alone. Use of this term is discouraged. MORE