Business / Agriculture / Poundage Quota: A quantitative limit on the amount of a commodity that can be marketed (also called a marketing quota) under the provisions of a permanent law. Once a common feature of price support programs, this supply control mechanism now only restricts the production and/or sale of tobacco and peanuts.
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Quota Noun Synonyms: apportionment, portion, allotment, allocation, allowance, ration, share, part, proportion, percentage, equity, interest, cut
Business / Finance / Quotation: Highest bid and lowest offer (asked) price currently available on a security or a commodity. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Quota System: In affirmative action systems, it is a means of attempting to achieve workplace balance by hiring and/or promoting specified numbers or ratios of minorities or women in positions from which they have MORE
Business / Agriculture / Poundage Quota: A quantitative limit on the amount of a commodity that can be marketed (also called a marketing quota) under the provisions of a permanent law. Once a common feature of price support programs, this su MORE
Business / Agriculture / Peanut Poundage Quota: A peanut price support program supply control mechanism authorized by the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 to regulate the marketing of peanuts consumed domestically for food when production become MORE
Business / Taxes / Quotation (Quote): On a stock market, a quotation combines the highest bid to buy and the lowest offer to sell a stock. For example, if the quotation on DaveCo stock is '20 to 20.07,' it means that the highest price tha MORE
Business / Finance / Quotation Board: The electronic board at a brokerage firm displaying prices other financial data. MORE