Business / Agriculture / Productivity: A measure of technical efficiency, typically expressed as the added output for an additional unit of input or the average output per unit of input, i.e., labor, land, capital productivity.
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Science / Biology / Net Secondary Productivity (NSP): The rate at which consumer and decomposer biomass is produced in a community. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Oxygen Technique (Primary Productivity): The estimation of primary productivity by the measurement of the rate of oxygen increase MORE
Science / Biology / Net Primary Productivity (NPP): The rate at which producer (usually plants) biomass is created in a community. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Net Primary Productivity: Total primary production, minus the amount consumed in respiration MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Labor Productivity: The correlation between a given output and the percentage of labor time used to produce the output. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Gross Primary Productivity: The total primary production, not counting the loss in respiration MORE