Business / Agriculture / Reclamation: The process of rehabilitating disturbed lands, or converting unproductive lands to productive uses. The term is also used for the process of recycling or reusing water. In the context of the Reclamation Act and reclamation law, it means putting arid lands to use through irrigation.
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Business / Agriculture / Reclamation Law: The body of law beginning with the Reclamation Act of 1902 that governs investigation, construction, and operation of Bureau of Reclamation projects. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Reclamation Fund: A special fund established by Congress under the Reclamation Act of 1902, as amended, for receipts from the sale of public lands and timber, proceeds from the Mineral Leasing Act, and certain other re MORE
Business / Agriculture / Reclamation Act Of 1902: P.L. 57-161 (June 17, 1902), as amended, appropriated the receipts from the sale and disposal of public lands and resources in 17 western states to the construction of irrigation works for the reclama MORE
Business / Agriculture / Bureau Of Reclamation (BOR): A bureau within the Department of the Interior, whose mission is to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources. The agency replaced the Reclamation Service, which was established pursuan MORE
Entertainment / Photography / Silver Reclamation: System for recovering silver from exhausted solutions. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Full-Cost Water: An annual rate for water delivered from Bureau of Reclamation facilities, which includes project construction costs attributed to irrigation, as well as outstanding deficits on operation and maintenan MORE