Business / Agriculture / Rill Erosion: An erosion process in which numerous small channels, typically a few inches deep, are formed. It occurs mainly on recently cultivated soils or on recent cuts and fills.
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Erosion Verb Synonyms: wear (and tear), wearing (down or away), wasting away, washing or grinding or rubbing away, corroding, corrosion, abrading, abrasion, eating or gnawing away, chafing, fraying, weathering, attrition
Business / Agriculture / Morrill Act Of 1890: Enacted August 30, 1890 (chapter 841, 26 Stat. 417), this law authorized additional direct appropriations for the land grant colleges of agriculture that had been established under the Morrill Act of MORE
Life Style / Travel / Muster Drill: A safety demonstration conducted by members of the ship's staff that instructs passengers on the route to and location of their muster station, use of their life preservers, and other important safety MORE
Entertainment / Music / Quadrille: A 19th century square dance written for 4 couples. MORE
Business / Agriculture / Morrill Act Of 1862: Enacted July 2, 1862 (chapter 130, 12 Stat. 503), this law allocated federal land to each state and directed the states to sell the land and use the proceeds to establish a college dedicated to the ag MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Lip Of A Drill: The sharp cutting edge on the end of a twist drill. MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Guerilla Marketing: Unconventional marketing intended to get maximum results from minimal resources. MORE