Section 15 Lands

Business / Agriculture / Section 15 Lands: These are public lands that lie outside a grazing district administered by the Bureau of Land Management under Section 15 of the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934. The BLM authorizes livestock grazing on these lands by issuing leases to private parties.
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Other Words for Section

Section Noun Synonyms: sample, slice, cross-section, fraction
Section Adjective Synonyms: part, division, department, branch, sector, group, detachment, segment, portion, subdivision, component, element

Section 404

Business / Agriculture / Section 404: A provision of the Clean Water Act establishing a program regulating the discharge of dredge or fill material into the nation’s waters. Permits for individual dredge or fill activities are issued by MORE

Section 4 General Or Basic Assistance

Business / Agriculture / Section 4 General Or Basic Assistance: This refers to the section of National School Lunch Act requiring the federal government to subsidize all lunches served through the school lunch program, regardless of the income of the participant. MORE

Section 32

Business / Agriculture / Section 32: Section 32 of Agricultural Adjustment Act Amendment of 1935 was enacted to widen market outlets for surplus agricultural commodities as one means of strengthening farm prices. Section 32 programs are MORE

Section 416

Business / Agriculture / Section 416: A section of the Agricultural Act of 1949 that provides for the disposition of agricultural commodities held by the Commodity Credit Corporation to prevent waste. Disposal is usually carried out by do MORE

Section 482

Business / Finance / Section 482: U.S. Department of Treasury regulations governing transfer prices. MORE

Section 504 Loans And Grants

Business / Agriculture / Section 504 Loans And Grants: A USDA rural housing repair program authorized under Section 504 of the Housing Act of 1949. Under current regulations, rural homeowners with incomes of 50% or less of the area median may qualify for MORE