Business / Agriculture / Terminal Market: A central site, often in a metropolitan area, that serves as an assembly and trading place for agricultural commodities. Terminal markets are usually at or near major transportation hubs.
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Market Adjective Synonyms: shop, store, bazaar, supermarket, superstore
Market Verb Synonyms: market-place, exchange, Stock Exchange
Market Noun Synonyms: demand, customer base, call
Terminal Adjective Synonyms: connection, wire, connector, coupler, coupling, conductor
Terminal Noun Synonyms: closing, concluding, terminating, ending, final, ultimate, extreme, maximum, greatest
Terminal Verb Synonyms: keyboard, monitor, position, station, VDU (= 'visual display unit'), PC (= 'personal computer'), module, CRT (= 'cathode ray tube'), screen, (control) panel
Business / Agriculture / Marketing Year: The 12-month period, generally from the beginning of a new harvest, over which a crop is marketed. For example, for wool, mohair, and Hawaiian sugarcane, the marketing year is January 1-December 31: f MORE
Business / Agriculture / Marketing Quotas (Or Allotments): Authorized by the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938, these quotas (sometimes called poundage quotas) limit marketings of certain commodities. The marketing quota, which must be approved by at least MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / Marketing Plan: The part of the business plan outlining the marketing strategy for a product or service. MORE
Business / Finance / Marketplace Price Efficiency: The degree to which the prices of assets reflect the available marketplace information. Marketplace price efficiency is sometimes estimated as the difficulty faced by active management of earning a gr MORE
Business / Finance / Matador Market: The foreign market in Spain. MORE
Business / Finance / Money Market: Money markets are for borrowing and lending money for three years or less. The securities in a money market can be U.S. government bonds, Treasury bills and commercial paper from banks and companies. MORE