Water 2000 Initiative

Business / Agriculture / Water 2000 Initiative: The program administered by the Rural Utilities Service whose goal is to improve the quality of drinking water in distressed rural areas with the most serious safe drinking water problems.
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Other Words for Initiative

Initiative Noun Synonyms: first move or step, lead, opening move

Other Words for Water

Water Noun Synonyms: H2O, distilled water, tap water, drinking-water, bottled water, spa water, still water, soda (water), effervescent water, mineral water, sea water, salt water, ditch-water, dishwater, bath-water, branch water, Adam's ale, Latin a


Science / Chemistry / Water: A colorless, tasteless liquid with some very peculiar properties that stem from the bent H-O-H structure of its molecules. MORE

Water 2000 Initiative

Business / Agriculture / Water 2000 Initiative: The program administered by the Rural Utilities Service whose goal is to improve the quality of drinking water in distressed rural areas with the most serious safe drinking water problems. MORE

Water Aerobics

Health / Fitness / Water Aerobics: Aerobics classes that do traditional workouts in waist- to neck-high water in a swimming pool. The resistance of the water makes the workout feel far more intense, while the water cushions you from th MORE

Vadose Water

Science / Geology / Vadose Water: Water that exists in the pore spaces of a rock or soil, between the ground surface and the water table. MORE

Underwater Painting

Life Style / Painting / Underwater Painting: A technique has been evolved by Antonio de Havo in 1977 for working submerged. He mixes his colours with oil, glycerine and wax, and paints on panels that have been waterproofed. Wearing a frogman's o MORE

Totally-Enclosed Water Air-Cooled Machine

Technology / Motors / Totally-Enclosed Water Air-Cooled Machine: A totally-enclosed machine cooled by circulating air which, in turn, is cooled by circulating water. Provided with water-cooled heat exchanger for cooling ventilating air and fan or fans, integral wit MORE