Entertainment / Ballet / Positions Of The Feet: The basic five positions of the feet on the floor were set down by the dancing master Pierre Beauchamp in the late 17th century. Two more positions were introduced by Mr. Serge Lifar during his career as Ballet Master at the Paris Opera Ballet (1929–45, 1947–58): their use nowadays is mostly limited to Lifar's choreographies.
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The Adjective Synonyms: drama, the stage, dramaturgy, dramatic or Thespian or histrionic art(s), the boards, show business, showbiz
Business / Real Estate / Power-Of-Attorney: A written instrument authorizing a person, the attorney-in-fact, to act as the agent on behalf of another to the extent indicated in the instrument. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Power-Of-Sale Clause: A clause in a mortgage authorizing the holder of the mortgage to sell the property in the event of the borrowers default. The prodeeds from the public sale are used to pay off the mortgage debt first, MORE
Business / Debt / Power Of Attorney: A document which authorises a person to act on behalf of another is a power of attorney. MORE