Entertainment / Bowling / ABC: American Bowling Congress official rule making body for ten pin bowling for its members in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico and US military bases worldwide; founded in 1895 and headquartered in Greendale, Wisconsin, 5301 S. 76th Street 53129
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Business / Real Estate / ABCD Paper: Mortage loans are rated as A, B, C, or D paper. A paper loans are the highest quality, lowest risk loans, B quality are loans where the borrower has minor credit problems, C quality are borrowers with MORE
Business / Finance / ABC Agreement: A contract between an employee and a brokerage firm outlining the rights of the firm purchasing an NYSE membership for that employee. MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Common Measure: Also called common meter, common measure consists of closed poetic quatrains rhyming ABAB or ABCB, in which the lines of iambic tetrameter (eight syllables) alternate with lines of iambic trimeter (si MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Ballad Measure: Traditionally, ballad measure consists of a four-line stanza or a quatrain containing alternating four-stress and three-stress lines with an ABCB or ABAB rhyme scheme. Works written in ballad measure MORE
Business / Finance / Double Witching Day: A stock buying strategy that doubles the risk when the price moves in the opposite direction from the direcetion the investor hoped for. For example, an investor with confidence in ABC buys 1000 share MORE
Entertainment / Literature / Alphabet Poem: An acrostic poem of thirteen lines in which each line consists of two words, each word beginning with sequential letters in the alphabetic pattern ABCDEF, etc. Deutsche noteas that many poets like Pau MORE