Back Pitch

Entertainment / Bowling / Back Pitch: Angling of the thumbhole backward so the tip of the thumb is extended away from the palm. It is used to help the thumb exit the hole sooner; although very common and generally desirable, too much can cause the ball to fall off the hand early .. i.e., dropping the ball. See reverse pitch.
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Other Words for Back

Back Adjective Synonyms: rear, service, servants'
Back Verb Synonyms: invest in, wager or bet on
Back Adverb Synonyms: to or toward(s) the rear, rearward(s), backward(s), away
Back Noun Synonyms: backside, rear, dorsum

Other Words for Pitch

Pitch Noun Synonyms: erect, raise, set or put up, position, fix, place
Pitch Verb Synonyms: toss, throw, cast, fling, hurl, heave, sling, fire, launch, shoot, send, let fly, Cricket bowl, chuck, peg, lob, bung

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Mortgage-Backed Securities Clearing Corporation (MBSCC)

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Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS)

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Negative Feedback Control

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Negative Feedback

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