Entertainment / Bowling / Bench Jockeying: As in baseball, conversation or gibes meant to distract an opponent.
Search Google for Bench Jockeying:
Entertainment / Photography / Optical Bench: Is a device for measuring the optical performance of lenses. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / External Benchmarking: The process of comparing an organization’s current policies and practices to that of a competitor organization(s) to determine current and future trends in areas of employment and business practice MORE
Business / Finance / Customized Benchmarks: The total amount of credit given by NYSE member firms to finance customers purchasing securities. MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Benchmarks: The standards used as a basis for comparison or measurement. MORE
Business / Finance / Post-Trade Benchmarks: Prices after the decision to trade. MORE
Business / Finance / Pre-Trade Benchmarks: Prices occurring before or at the decision to trade. MORE