Entertainment / Bowling / Bent Elbow: The act of bending your elbow through the approach; normally not desirable.
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Bent Adjective Synonyms: curved, deflected, bowed, crooked, distorted
Bent Noun Synonyms: turn, inclination, direction, disposition, predisposition, tendency, bias, leaning, proclivity, propensity, partiality, prejudice, ability, aptitude, talent, gift
Business / Finance / High-Premium Convertible Debenture: Bank loan to a highly leveraged firm. MORE
Technology / Cell Phones / Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier (ILEC): The historic local phone service provider in a market, often a former Bell company. Distinct from competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs), new market entrants. MORE
Science / Marine Biology / Macrobenthos. (Macrofauna Or Macroflora): Benthic organisms (animals or plants) whose shortest dimension is greater than or equal to 0.5 mm MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Flying Elbow: Same as chicken wing. MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Flare (Arm or Elbow): The action of your arm or elbow when it goes away from your body in the armswing or during the release; generally not desirable. MORE
Life Style / Travel / Elbowroom Factor: The relative spaciousness of a ship. We've taken the ratios of ship tonnage and passenger count (often referred to as 'space ratios'), and translated them into the terms snug (space ratio less than 30 MORE