Entertainment / Bowling / Blow: A missed spare; an open frame but not a split; an error so that the spare is missed.
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Blow Noun Synonyms: gale, storm, tempest, whirlwind, tornado, cyclone, hurricane, typhoon, north-easter, nor'easter
Blow Verb Synonyms: breathe, puff, exhale, expel
Entertainment / Photography / Blowup: Enlargement: a print that is made larger than the negative or slide. MORE
Technology / Aviation / High Blower: A blower-type supercharger set at high rpm. MORE
Health / Pilates / Sniff Sniff, Blow Blow: A quick percussive breathing pattern used in conjunction with quick, precise movements. Breathe in percussively two times through your nose to inhale, and blow out percussively two times through your MORE
Business / Human Resources (HR) / Whistleblower Protection Act Of 1989: Whistleblower protection is the federal law that provides protection to employees against retaliation for reporting illegal acts of employers. An employer may not rightfully retaliate in any way, such MORE
Business / Finance / Whistle Blower: A stock rumored to be the target of a takeover bid, drawing speculators who hope to make a profit after the takeover is completed. MORE