Entertainment / Bowling / Bowling Center: Bowling Establishment, (Bowling Alley, HOUSE.)
Search Google for Bowling Center:
Business / Search Engine Optimization (SEO) / Google Bowling: Maliciously trying to lower a sites rank by sending it links from the “bad neighborhood” - Kind of like yelling “Good luck with that infection!” to your buddy as you get off the school bus - t MORE
Business / Agriculture / Field Service Center: A centralized location for a variety of USDA agency field offices. These have been reduced in number from about 3,700 to about 2,600 through closures and consolidations initiated as part of a USDA reo MORE
Entertainment / Bowling / Feel Bowling: The practice of using your instincts to make subconscious adjustments in release as you throw the ball; see also area bowling. More common in today's bowling environment where power is often better th MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Face-Centered Cubic (FCC): One of the common types of unit cells in which atoms are located on each corner and the center of each face of a cube. Among the common FCC metals are aluminum, copper, nickel and austenitic stainless MORE
Business / Machine Shop / Half Center: A dead center that has a portion of the 60 degree cone cut away. MORE
Technology / Motorcycle / Hub-Center Steering: One of several different types of front-end suspension/steering mechanisms used in motorcycles. Hub-center steering is characterized by a swingarm that extends from the bottom of the engine/frame to t MORE