Entertainment / Bowling / Bowling This Month: The premier bowling magazine for players.
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Business / Finance / Monthly Investment Plan: A plan in which a certain amount is invested each month in order to benefit from dollar cost averaging. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Monthly Operating Report (MOR): A document that reports the month- and year-to-date financial status of a managed care plan. MORE
Business / Finance / Nearest Month: The expiration date of an option or future that is closest to the present. MORE
Business / Finance / Monthly Income Preferred Security (MIP): Preferred stock issued by a subsidiary located in a tax haven. The subsidiary relends the money to the parent. MORE
Business / Real Estate / Month-To-Month Tenancy: A periodic tenancy under which the tenant rents for one month at a time. In the absence of a rental agreement (oral or written) a tenancy is generally considered to be month to month. MORE
Health / Herbs / Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum): Liver protectant, Hepatic, galactogogue, demulcent, cholagogue. Research done in Germany is revealing data about reversal of toxic liver damage as well as protection from potential hepatotoxic agents. MORE