
Entertainment / Bowling / Bullet: A ball thrown with extra speed; see also bb and rocket.
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Bullet Contract

Business / Finance / Bullet Contract: A guaranteed investment contract purchased with a single (one-shot) premium. Related: Window contract. MORE

OTC Bulletin Board

Business / Finance / OTC Bulletin Board: An electronic quotation listing of the bid and asked prices of OTC stocks that do not meet the requirements to be listed on the NASDAQ stock-listing system. MORE

OTC Bulletin Board (OTCBB)

Business / Taxes / OTC Bulletin Board (OTCBB): During the trading day, the electronic OTC bulletin board (OTCBB) provides continuously updated real-time bid and ask prices, volume information, and last-sale prices. The OTC lists this information f MORE

Bulletin Board Service (BBS)

Technology / Computers / Bulletin Board Service (BBS): A program designed to bring people together where they can carry on discussions and download files where all of the other members of the service can monitor these transmissions in real time. MORE

Bulletin Board System (BBS)

Business / Internet Marketing / Bulletin Board System (BBS): Software that enables users to log into email, usenet and chat groups via modem. MORE

Bullet Strategy

Business / Finance / Bullet Strategy: A fixed income strategy in which a portfolio is constructed so that the maturities of its securities are highly concentrated at one point on the yield curve. MORE