
Entertainment / Bowling / Chop: To knock down one pin of a spare leave, while the pin next to or behind it remains standing. Seel also cherry.
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Other Words for Chop

Chop Noun Synonyms: cut, blow, stroke
Chop Verb Synonyms: cut, hack, hew, lop, crop, cleave, sever


Science / Psychiatry / Echopraxia: Repetition by imitation of the movements of another. The action is not a willed or voluntary one and has a semiautomatic and uncontrollable quality. MORE


Entertainment / Literature / Psychopompos: A spirit-guide who leads or escorts a soul into the realm of the dead. Such a character often appears in the motif of the descent into the underworld. Examples of a psychopompos would be deities like MORE

Baltimore Chop

Entertainment / Baseball / Baltimore Chop: A manner of hitting by chopping the ball into the ground immediately in front of home plate with the design of making the ball ‘hop’ into the air, either high enough to allow the batter to reach f MORE


Life Style / Painting / Echoppe: A needle that has had its point bevelled to an oval facet that can be used in etching and engraving. It will make lines of varying thicknesses, and with engraving can be used to re-work and expand cer MORE


Entertainment / Video Games / Choppy: Usually used to describe the quality of the animation in a game, indicating that it is of uneven quality. MORE

Chop Block

Entertainment / Football / Chop Block: Similar to a cut block in which one offensive player blocks a defensive player below the knees and another blocks him above the waist. It is illegal to block low if a team mate is already engaged with MORE