Entertainment / Bowling / Coming In Behind The Headpin: This is a ball that leaves a ten pin on an apparent solid hit, but the ball enters the pocket late.
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The Adjective Synonyms: drama, the stage, dramaturgy, dramatic or Thespian or histrionic art(s), the boards, show business, showbiz
Health / Fitness / Overtraining: Excess of exercise resulting in inadequete recovery. MORE
Business / Finance / Overwithholding: Deducting and paying too much tax that may be refunded to the taxpayer or applied against the next period's obligation. MORE
Business / Finance / Overtrading: Excessive broker trading in a discretionary account. Underwriters persuade brokerage clients to purchase some part of a new issue in return for the purchase by the underwriter of other securities from MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Overswing: 1. To swing too hard to the point of negatively affecting the result 2. Too long a backswing, usually thought of in terms of well beyond the point of the club's shaft being horizontal or parallel wit MORE
Technology / Home Audio / Oversampling: A technique where each sample from a data converter is sampled more than once, i.e., oversampled. This multiplication of samples permits digital filtering of the signal, thus reducing the need for sha MORE
Business / Finance / Overshooting: The tendency of a pool of MBS to reflect an especially high rate of prepayments the first time it crosses the threshold for refinancing, especially if two or more years have passed since the date of i MORE