Entertainment / Bowling / Cupping Your Wrist: A type of ball carry that has your wrist bent upwards; it is considered a power/more hook delivery.
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Health / Pilates / Shoulder Blades Into Your Back Pockets: An image to encourage upper back and shoulder stability. Visualize your shoulder blades moving down your back into the back pockets of your jeans. MORE
Health / Pilates / Scooping Your Abs: To scoop your abs means to draw the deepest layers of the abdominal muscles up and in to stabilize the body and support the back. This action supports powerful movement emanating from the center of th MORE
Health / Pilates / Sitting Up Out Of Your Hips: An image to encourage length in the spine while seated. Initially, you may need to sit on a firm pillow to do this. Sending energy out of the top of your head and down through your pelvis will lengthe MORE
Entertainment / Golf / Wrist Cock: (also 'wrist break, setting the hands') the procedure of allowing or causing the wrists or hands to cock, set, hinge or fold at the top of the backswing MORE
Entertainment / Ice Hockey / Wrist Shot: A wrist shot is a type of shot that involves using arm muscles (especially those in the wrist and forearm) to propel a puck forward from the open-faced, concave part of the blade of a hockey stick. MORE
Business / Debt / PAYE (Pay As Your Earn): People who earn income from employment or who receive a pension are liable for income tax under the PAYE system. MORE