Entertainment / Bowling / Dead Wood: Pins that remain on the lane or in the gutter after being knocked down after the machine has reset the pins. They are removed in ten-pin before play continues, but left in place in both candlepin and duckpin bowling.
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Dead Adjective Synonyms: deceased, defunct, extinct, gone, departed, late, lifeless, no more, done for, gone for a burton
Dead Adverb Synonyms: completely, entirely, absolutely, totally, abruptly, suddenly
Science / Biology / Heartwood: Inner rings of xylem that have become clogged with metabolic by-products and no longer transport water; visible as the inner darker areas in the cross section of a tree trunk. MORE
Business / Construction / Manufactured Wood: A wood product such as a truss, beam, gluelam, microlam or joist which is manufactured out of smaller wood pieces and glued or mechanically fastened to form a larger piece. Often used to create a stro MORE
Business / Construction / Plywood: A panel (normally 4' X 8') of wood made of three or more layers of veneer, compressed and joined with glue, and usually laid with the grain of adjoining plies at right angles to give the sheet strengt MORE
Business / Real Estate / Pressed Wood Products: Materials used in building and furniture construction that are made from wood veneers, particles, or fibers bonded together with an adhesive under heat and pressure. MORE