Entertainment / Bowling / Delivery: A bowler's entire movement, from approach to follow-through. A thrown shot; the act of throwing a shot.
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Delivery Noun Synonyms: liberation, release, deliverance, emancipation
Delivery Verb Synonyms: distribution, delivering, deliverance, conveyance, transportation, transport
Business / Finance / Delivery Points: The options available to the seller of an interest rate futures contract, including the quality option, the timing option, and the wild card option. Delivery options mean that the buyer is uncertain o MORE
Technology / Television (TV) / Alternate Delivery Systems (ADS): TV homes with unwired cable access are referred to as having Alternate Delivery Systems. The four components of ADS are. Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS): Satellite service delivered directly via hous MORE
Business / Internet Marketing / underdelivery : Delivery of less impressions, visitors, or conversions than contracted for a specified period of time. MORE
Business / Finance / Good Delivery And Settlement Procedures: A delivery in which everything - order-endorsement, any necessary attached legal papers. MORE
Health / Health Insurance / Integrated Delivery System (IDS): A provider organization that is fully integrated operationally and clinically to provide a full range of healthcare services, including physician services, hospital services, and ancillary services. MORE
Business / Finance / Free Delivery: Cash not required for operations or for reinvestment. Often defined as earnings before interest (often obtained from the operating income line on the income statement) less capital expenditures less t MORE